This event is designed for all ages. Redemption Way and your local organizers want all participating youth and adults to have a positive, fun experience. In order for this to happen we ask that all coaches and parents play a spectator’s role only.
Please note that inappropriate language and/or behavior directed at players or officials will not be tolerated. Only one warning will be given. If the incident reoccurs, the adult involved will be asked to leave. Please help make this a positive event. Thank you in advance for your cooperation; we look forward to seeing you.
- Each team must have three (3) players on their roster and be registered as a team by the pre-determined entry deadline. Additions and/or changes on rosters will not be permitted under any circumstance after the entry deadline
- Players may appear on only one (1) team roster for each tournament. Any player appearing on more than one (1) team roster may be disqualified from participation in that tournament.
- As a general rule, teams are split into male and female divisions by computer analysis considering the average age, experience, and height of the players.
- Identification for each player (e.g. birth certificate, drivers license, other photo ID, etc...) is required at on-site registration to verify information provided on the original team application. Players must be prepared to show identification throughout the tournament weekend.
- If any of a player’s personal information listed on the team application is inaccurate (e.g. age), the player will be eliminated from participation in the tournament. Discovery at any time after registration of the player in question may also result in elimination of the whole team from further competition.
- Eligibility problems will be enforced from point of discovery. No replay of games or adjustments will be allowed for previous contests and standing involving the team in question.
As a general rule, teams are placed into male and female divisions according to pre-established age categories, as follows.
Any co-ed teams registered to play will automatically be schedule in a male division based on criteria listed above.
- The age of player is determined by the player's recorded age by first day of tournament.
- To ensure proper placement of team, all players must fit within the established age category. If a player does not meet the age requirement, your team will be placed into the category of the oldest player.
Every effort will be made to place teams into these age categories. Redemption Way will change or combine age categories only when not enough teams have entered to complete an age division. In a few instances, Redemption Way may have to create co-ed within these age categories.
As a general rule, Adult teams are computer-matched into divisions according to average age.
Teams will be placed into pre-established brackets.
- The age of player is determined by the player's recorded age by first day of tournament.
- To ensure proper placement of your team, please make sure that all four (4) players fit the established age category.
- If a player does not meet the age requirement, your team will be placed into the category of your youngest player.
Every effort will be made to place teams into these age categories. Redemption Way will change or combine age categories only when not enough teams have entered to complete an age division.
- All games may start and be completed with any number of players (3,2,1).
- Both teams will warm-up at the same time prior to the start of the game.
- Only those teams scheduled to play are allowed to occupy the court at the scheduled time.
- Teams must be at their court at the scheduled game time, even if games are “running behind” for any reason. The final point of reference for scheduling procedures shall be the Tournament Central, not verbal information provided by a Official or Court Monitor. The players are ultimately responsible for obtaining accurate scheduling information and being at their court to play when their game is to begin. Game time is forfeit time. Information given by the Official or Court Monitor is not final.
- SPECIAL NOTE: We suggests that you be at your court 15 minutes before the scheduled game time and stay there until game is played.
- One (1) or two (2) officials on court as determined by need/age division.
- Disputes or questions on interpretation are settled by the Court Monitor.
- Each team must have three (3) players on their roster and be registered as a team by the predetermined entry deadline. Additions and/or changes made prior to registration will be allowed before a week before the tournament starts. No changes will be allowed after a team’s first scheduled game. Once a player has registered on-site, no substitution can be made for that player.
- A roster consists of three (3) to four (4) players. A game may start with a minimum of two (2) players.
- Player substitution is permitted during any dead ball situation. Players must “check-in” at the scorer’s table prior to entering the game. In case of obvious injury, injured player must sit out at least until the next dead ball.
- A field goal is worth 1 point.
- A successful goal from beyond the 3-point line is worth 2 points. The player shooting must have both feet completely behind the arc when initiating the attempt.
- The first team to 15 or whoever has the most points at the end of 20 minutes wins.
- All games will have a 20-minute time limit. The Official starting time will be recorded by the Game Official on the scoresheet, The Official Time will be under the jurisdiction of the Game Official. (The Official Time will be stopped only during timeouts – regular and/or injury.)
- The team leading at the end of the 20-minute time limit will be declared the winner.
- If the game is tied after 20 minutes of play and no team has reached the required number of points to win the game, the Game Official will flip a coin to determine team possession. The first team to score will win the game.
- Games will be determined on teams/division.
- Each team is allowed one (1) one minute time-out per game.
- If play is stopped by a teammate or the Official to attend to an obvious injury, then the injured player must sit out at least until the next dead ball.
- Player substitution is permitted during any dead ball situation.
- All jump balls go to the defensive team.
- The ball must be “taken back” to the marked line on the court on every change of possession. “Taking back” means both feet and the ball behind the take back line. Violation occurs only if a basket is made by the team failing to properly “take it back”, and will result in loss of point scored and possession of the ball will go to the other team. If the ball is not “taken back” and then advanced, any other violation, common foul, offensive foul, intentional, flagrant or technical foul called by the official will be honored. Exception: If a player is fouled in the act of shooting and makes the basket prior to properly “taking it back”, the foul will be honored; however, no points will be awarded.
- After all successful shots, the ball must be checked by the defense and passed in by the offense.
There will be no free throws awarded, all fouls will result in the ball going to the team who did not commit the foul.
The Game Official may assess a Technical Foul for any misconduct, flagrant, or intentional fouls committed by a player(s).This may include:
- A Contact Foul intended to hurt an opponent, fan or Game Official
- Vulgar or verbally abusive behavior
- Other misconduct deemed inappropriate by the Game Official (e.g. intentionally kicking the ball, etc....) or
- A contact foul designed to neutralize an opponent’s obvious advantageous position.
- Fighting and/or ‘Throwing a Punch’ automatically results in a Technical Foul assessed against the players(s) involved and will result in immediate dismissal of the player(s) from the tournament.
- A Technical Foul will be counted as a Personal Foul and Team Foul.
- Continuous misconduct, intentional and or flagrant fouling by a team or player may result in dismissal from the game or tournament at the discretion of the Game Official or other Tournament Official.
- Any player ejected from the Tournament for misconduct, intentional and/or flagrant fouling, fighting or throwing a punch, will be automatically banned from participation in future Redemption Way Tournaments for a period of one (1) year.
- Misconduct by a player and/or team while playing in their final game of the tournament or after already being eliminated from competition in the tournament, and/or while acting as a ‘spectator’ at another game(s), may jeopardize that player and/or team from further participation in that tournament and/or future Redemption Way Tournaments, at the discretion of tournament officials.
- All women’s divisions and 10 and under age divisions will use the intermediate size basketball.
- No alcoholic beverage will be allowed for player consumption on-site.
- There are no outside food or drinks, other than water, allowed on-site.
- HIV/AIDS – The Game Official, Court Monitor, Tournament Staff, Officials, or Medical Personnel shall order any player who is bleeding or has blood on his/her skin, shirts, shorts or uniform to leave the game for appropriate treatment. The player may not return until the bleeding has been stopped, the injury covered with medical dressing and the player’s clothing is rid of any bloodstains. Re-entry into the game will be at the discretion of the Game Official. Return to the game must take place on a dead ball situation.
- The Team Captain is always the team spokesperson, not a coach, parent, spectator, or one of the other players. We ask that all coaches and parents play “the role of a spectator only”.
- Jewelry (earrings, rings, watches, etc...), hats, bandanas, and/or casts are not allowed to be worn by players during tournament games. Any player that refuses to remove any such item prior to play, is not eligible to participate in that game.
Adverse weather conditions & unplayable situations may result in the following (in order of decision-making process):
- Delay of games for a period of time until the clouds break and conditions improve. .
- Reduce the number of points required to win a game.
- Play games on a consecutive basis by game number rather than by the pre-established game times.
- Change the format of the tournament from double to single elimination.
- Re-schedule the tournament for a later date at the same site.
- Cancel the tournament.
*In the unlikely event of cancellation of the tournament due to adverse weather conditions, each team shall receive their four (4) players t-shirts and team registration package. Every effort will also be made to present trophies and awards in an equitable manner. Under no circumstances will a team receive a full cash refund of the team entry fee. The exact amount of the refund is at the sole discretion of the tournament organizers, considering the number of games played, out of pocket costs, etc.